
I am so grateful that I woke up today, not everyone has that pleasure. On top of that, I see my son, husband and octogenarian parents are also alive and well. This is a very big deal and I know that I am incredibly fortunate; yes, I’ve been faced with loss, illness, and my share of bumps in the road. Nevertheless, I am still breathing, I have good wholesome food, potable water, shelter, a loving family and people that I can call my friends and always important – I have control over my bodily functions.  I will never take that for granted.

Today, my husband and I have the privilege of cooking for my parents, and their friends. Yes, even though they are well into their 80s, they still have a few friends who they share moments with. Amazing, these friends have been in their lives for close to 60 years. Oh, the tales they will tell today.

May you also wake up and have the opportunity to feel the blessing of a loving family, good food and friends (and control over your bodily functions).

 My Favorite Cranberry-orange Sauce Recipe

12 once package of fresh cranberries                                                                         1 cup cane sugar                                                                                                         1 cup orange juice                                                                                                       1  tbsp grated orange zest                                                                                           1/2 tsp grated lemon zest

1. Mix all ingredients in large saucepan.                                                                     2. Bring to boil and lower the heat to medium-low. Cook until cranberries begin to pop and the sauce thicken slightly, about 15 minutes.                                               3.Transfer sauce to bowl and chill until serving time.                                                 4.Enjoy!

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Life is an adventure

May 4, 1984

May 4, 1984

A couple of weeks ago, I went on a road trip alone. This is not a common occurrence nowadays. However, prior to meeting my soul mate, it was quite common. The minute I got into the car, load the CD player and head out, my body begins to relax and I become one with the adventure of simply moving over the earth.  This time I was on my way to spend the weekend with a group of college girlfriends. We were celebrating a birthday, the first of us to cross the half-century mark. We have been friends for nearly 30 years.  It’s hard to believe that we have known each other for more than half our lives, and then some. What is even harder to believe is that some computer put us together and it all worked out. The four of us, two sets of roommates that lived next door to each other, met at the beginning of freshman year and are still friends. We came from very different backgrounds and had different point of views but we were open minded enough to allow ourselves to enjoy each other’s differences and company. Even though we traveled different paths after school, our friendships have stood the test of time. How often does that happen?

Spring Weekend 1986

Spring Weekend 1986

We stayed at the Aaron Burr House Bed and Breakfast in New Hope,PA for the weekend. The weekend was spent eating, drinking and shopping, but most of all reconnecting.  Staying at a bed and breakfast in town allowed us to hangout together in a relaxing atmosphere, as well as walk to everything. New Hope and Lambertville, NJ, which are across the Delaware River from each other, have perhaps the largest collection of eclectic craft and antique stores that I have ever experienced in my life. One day we shopped almost five hours and didn’t even put a dent into all the places we could have gone. In addition, they have a great diversity of restaurants, some of which are BYOB, along with several clubs for live music. One morning, two of us had a lovely walk along the canal.

One of the things old friends do is reminisce and recall interesting events or conversations. First impressions are always fascinating to me. They remind us of who we were or how we were perceived. One of my girlfriends recalled how relaxed I was when we met on the first day at college. It was her first time away from home and took a bit for her to get used to it. My ability to relax was quite striking to her.  I have thought about that comment and realized I have always enjoyed travel and adventure. I left Florida to go to college in upstate New York. I was on an adventure.  For me, then and now, as long as I look at each day as a new adventure, I am happy and excited to see what’s next. The prospect of exploring a college campus, meeting new people with diverse backgrounds and attending classes was thrilling to me.


Us now

Each day has a gift or lesson for us. The days we forget this point of view are the days that tend to be filled with more burdens than joys. I remember traveling on a bus through Belize when we discovered the bridge we needed to cross was being repaired. The bus stopped, everyone got out, explored, watched, and chatted until the bridge was safe to cross, nearly 3 hours later. No one bitched or moaned, we were on an adventure and this event was part of it. Perspective is very important in life, your glass can be half-full or half-empty, it’s your choice. I find enjoying the positive perspective only has gifts in it. I try my best to remember it. Unfortunately, I do forget from time to time.  Hey, I am also approaching that half-century mark, and my memory does fail me time to time. Good thing all I have to do is look to my son; he always reminds me that each moment is an adventure.