Just about every spring, little and big black ants start coming into our kitchen. It really does not matter where we live they seem find us and announce spring in our home, like ladybugs announce fall in our home. I guess we create a warm inviting home for 6-legged critters. Unlike ladybugs, I do not care to entertain ants.
So every spring I find a couple of little jars, poke several holes in their lids and add a simple bait which seems to work like magic and in less than a week the ants have vanished.
small jar with holes in lid
1 tsp. Borax
1 tsp. powered sugar
warm water
Mix ingredients so everything is fully dissolved into the water. Fill each jar half way, put on lid with several holes and place jars throughout kitchen. Make sure they are out of reach from children and pets. You can find borax in the laundry section of most grocery stores, 20 Mule Team is a fairly common brand. Borax is an excellent detergent booster and after I use some borax in my ant traps, I use the rest in our laundry. Adding just ¼ cup brightens up the load and helps get stains out.
actually, I sort of like ants . . . are they dangerous? isn’t it more Zen to live and let live? just wondering
Ants are not dangerous. I just don’t want to share my food with them. They force me to be tidier than my nature.