Mathew gets an earache

Recently, Mathew had a good old common cold.  The common cold generally lasts between 7 and 10 days. He had the basic symptoms ~ very congested, runny nose, achy, and tired. The most important remedy for the common cold is simply rest and let the cold take its course. And rest is what he did.

It was no big surprise that Mathew got an earache as the mucus was flowing like a river and he spent more time sucking it back in than blowing his nose. The poor guy, his eyes were tearing from the pain. Mathew has always been open to my herbal suggestion and  when I asked him if he would like some warm garlic oil in the ear; he agreed to it immediately. All he cared about was finding some relief. I had garlic oil on hand, as we use it as a cough remedy. I warmed the oil to body temperature in my armpit, adding 3-4 drops in each ear and then put a tissue gently in the ear (not too far in though) to keep the oil from leaking out. At first he didn’t feel much relief, so I repeated it after a half of an hour. Then a miracle happened – within an hour, Mathew was no longer in pain and it never returned. Garlic contains powerful antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds, which get absorbed through the skin and the eardrum into the inner ear and surrounding tissues, fighting infection and reducing inflammation at the same time. It is the perfect recipe for an earache.

This is just one of the remedies I used on Mathew during his cold. What do you do to make yourself or loved ones more comfortable when nursing a cold?

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Gathering herbs with Mathew has always been a wonderful activity for us to share. Sometimes he helps me process them to infuse into oil and tinctures as well. I love his ability to be extremely focused and present during these times. It brings another healing dynamic into the mix. However, when I make salves and creams, I need to be alone in order to focus all my love and intentions into those little jars before they go out into the world.

Processing herbs is a very personal practice. It is not simply a chore or task; it is the time when I am focusing my entire being in the present. I’m filled with gratitude for the plants and their healing powers and the next step for me is to add my loving intentions into my remedies.

For the most part, I like the entire house to myself. It is easier for me to be present with the process, free as possible from distraction. My ritual helps me to center and become balanced so I can focus all my intentions into the healing creams and salves. The ingredients to my ritual are simple but very meditative. I hug our grandmother Black Walnut tree absorbing all the earth’s healing powers through it. Then I smudge the house, eliminating any negative energy, and ring the singing bowel, producing tones that invoke a deep state of relaxation. Finally, I love playing Tibetan Monks chanting Om Mani Padme Hum throughout the process.

One day, Mike was home playing AC/DC, and don’t get me wrong I do love to rock out to “Highway to Hell” but it would have no doubt added a different energy into the process, not what I wanted. Setting an intention is not a goal but an attitude or state of mind. When I make healing salve or creams, it is very important for me to infuse them with all the love I have in my being. That is why there is always a included in the ingredients on all my labels.

Do you have any rituals that help you set intentions? Please share and I will continue to share.