Routines give me hives

Ever so often, I am reminded how much I love adventures and experiences. Most of the time those realizations happen when too much time has gone by without something significant occurring; I get antsy and a bit blue. Routines have never been my thing. Some people find comfort and security in a set schedule but after a relatively short period of time, it simply makes me anxious and uncomfortable.

Camping in Big Bend

Camping in Big Bend

I looked up the definition of routine and found the terms: regular, customary, normal, usual, ordinary, typical, everyday, common, commonplace, conventional, habitual, and wonted. Honestly, those terms make me cringe. I want and need my life to be anything but routine. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an adrenaline junkie. Nevertheless, we are here on this planet for just a short time and I want to experience life. Routines just seem to slow down the opportunities for new experiences. Although when an individual is open, new experiences can and do happen even during a routine day. It might be as simple as connecting with a stranger while waiting on line at the grocery store or observing the critters on the land; critters are sure to reveal some interesting behavior. I try to pepper my days with observations and interactions with all the inhabitants of our lovely spaceship earth.

Nevertheless, sometimes daily experiences just aren’t enough for me and I need adventures. I can honestly say I have always been like this. I remember living on a friendly street on Long Island and dreaming of adventures. At the age of five, I was preoccupied with designing and building an igloo on a neighbor’s lawn. I vividly imagined hiking down the block and building an igloo on the corner house’s lawn and living in it. I have always looked at the earth as my home and yearned to explore every part of it. This started with my block where I was known to walk into neighbors’ houses and make myself at home. Thank goodness everyone knew me and tolerated this behavior ~ remember I said I lived on a friendly block. A few years ago, I went to a reunion and many of my old neighbors had stories of finding me in their homes, just checking things out or getting something to eat.

When I was six, my brother gave me a suitcase for my birthday. Yes, a strange gift from a sibling or perhaps he was telling me something. Regardless, I loved it, and all the big purple flowers on it. One day I packed it with my favorite blanket and headed towards the backyard. My Mom asked what I was doing. I said, “Going out to play.” I walked into the backyard and climbed over the fence and started walking, I was going to explore the world. I wasn’t running away, I was looking for adventure. A neighbor spotted me a mile away and told my Mom who soon picked me up. We later moved to a house in the woods and I spent countless hours exploring our backyard, often following our babbling brook for miles with my dog. The more I think about it, the more I yearn to go exploring. I guess that is just how I am wired.

Luckily, I have had the opportunity to explore various areas of my home ~ earth. In some cases, I have had the good fortune to even stay a bit longer (a year or so) in some areas but still feel like I have only seen the tip of the iceberg (only 10% of it appears above the water). And folks, I did once have the pleasure of kayaking near a bunch of icebergs in Alaska, perhaps too close. Boy, they really are big and can make a huge splash when they flip. I am looking forward to continuing my exploration with Mathew and Mike who love travel as much as I do; although, at times they seem more comfortable with routines than I do.

Columbia Glacier

Kayaking by the Columbia Glacier


Sailing by St. Lucia


Hiking in Canada

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang, China. We hiked to 4,506-meter’s up Mt. Yulong with a little oxygen to help us along the way.

How do you feel about routines? Please share and I will continue sharing.

Saving some for the pollinators

After a dry July followed by a wet August, there is an abundance of plants and pollinators on the land. Every time I go out to harvest some herbs for tinctures or oils, I am mesmerized by them. They look so happy and I struggle with the question, “Do I really need more?”  I’ve tried my best to live by the credo of taking only what I need and leaving the rest for others. Therefore, there are moments when I gather a little bit and other times when I simply walk away. There is a huge Burdock (Arctium lappa), over six feet tall, growing in front of a window at our house that attracts a menagerie of pollinators; even a hummingbird! I had no idea hummingbirds enjoyed Burdock. I love sitting in the house watching all the pollinators do their thing. There was never a doubt about leaving the Burdock, it was meant for the pollinators not my soup. The funny part is, as we get further into the summer, there seems to be more plants and pollinators every day. So my dilemma continues on a daily basis.

The other day I decided to wander the land and simply take pictures and leave the plants alone.  The time I needed to give pause and focus on these critters conducting their lives was such a gift. I love Forest Bathing and Waterfall Therapy, but observing life in action is the best therapy for reducing stress and relaxation. When I was done, I was so mellow, a completely new person.

Here are some of the critters I was able to capture. A great more eluded my shutter.

Blue Vervain







Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed




Check out those red pollen sacs!


What do you do to relax? Please share and I will continue to share.