Let’s Eat Some Weeds


At this point, I have never worked with COVID-19, though I have dealt with flus and colds. I know the COVID-19 is different from the common flu, but both present uncomfortable symptoms and the body needs additional support during these times. As we are all preparing for a time of social distancing, our health care system will become overwhelmed and taxed, along with disruption to our food and medicine supply chains. So, I want to share some supportive remedies that you can find in your kitchen cupboard or growing in your backyard to provide some relief. These tips are not to replace medical attention: if you are in respiratory distress ~ seek medical immediately attention, go the ER!

I just want to give you some tools that can be found in your home to empower you, so you don’t have to venture too far away from home during this period of social isolation. I will be sharing our family’s remedies that help ease discomforts experienced during flu and cold season.

Dandelions are springing up everywhere!

As signs of Spring appear, my body begins to crave bitter foods. Our bodies are brilliant, because as the earth awakens; our liver and kidneys begin to work harder as they cleanse our bodies of all the toxins built up during our winter idleness. Bitters aid in digestion. Therefore, it is the perfect time for us to assist our bodies by supporting and nourishing the liver and kidneys while they are working so hard for us. Dandelion and other bitter greens aid in this process. Eating bitters increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach, sending a message to the liver to prepare for digestion, as well as increasing the appetite and preparing the liver to break down fats. The bitterer the better.

Of course, as the weather starts to warm up, I spend more time outdoors looking for who is trying to break through and reach for the sun after their long winter’s nap. To my excitement, I found Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) sprouting up all over our lawn. Although, they were very small, their leaves were delicious with a hint of bitterness. Each sunny day, I survey the lawn, picking little leaves and snacking on them. To an observer I must have looked like a rabbit nibbling on greens.

I know for some this may sound crazy, but Dandelions are very exciting to me! They are beautiful and delicious and most of all they announce SPRING is HERE! Can you believe, some homeowners actually try to eliminate these amazing plants from their backyards with harmful chemicals. The EPA estimates that Americans dump over 90 million pounds of herbicides on their lawns every year to eradicate these lovelies along with other wonderful herbs. Now that is plain crazy in my book! Good thing Dandelions are persistent and tenacious, since they are nearly impossible to eliminate. All they need is a cool summer’s breeze for their seeds to float upon in order to arrive at another pristine lawn.

Not only are these beautiful blossoms a magical contrast against any lush green lawn, they are packed with a whole lot of goodness. To start off, just two fresh-picked large leaves (perhaps in early spring you will need a hand full as they are so small) provide a day’s supply of vitamin C. Her deep root (which can reach three feet down) draws up tons of minerals. Dandelions are loaded with omega 3s, vitamins A, B, C, and D, potassium and iron and also rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus and magnesium. One leaf can contain 19-31% protein. Check out these numbers: The USDA daily recommended allowance for calcium is 800 mg. When comparing calcium in other leafy greens ~ 1 cup of Spinach has 102 mg, 1 cup of Kale has 206 mg, and 1 cup of Dandelion has a whopping 4,000 mg. How’s that for a super food and its right out your backdoor! Dandelion roots are a wonderful liver tonic, and since our liver has over 500 functions, including filtering chemical contamination from our system, I am sure you can agree that it is important to support and tonify it. Along with the liver, Dandelion root also tones your spleen, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, skin, nervous, glandular, digestive, urinary, circulatory, immune and lymphatic systems. What’s not to love!?

As you can see, Dandelions are both a wonderful food source along with being a powerful medicinal herb. And you know how much I love to eat my medicine. The blossoms, leaves, and roots are all edible and nutritious. I love adding the greens and blossoms to my salads and roots to my soups. The roots are sweeter than leaves and flowers are sweeter than roots. The roots tend to be more bitter and diuretic in the spring, and sweeter and starchier after an autumn frost. The roots are most bitter when it is flowering and sweetest after a couple of hard frosts in late autumn and early winter. Dandelion increases circulation and fluid waste elimination in the body, without depleting the body of important nutrients. It is one of the safest diuretics as it tones the kidneys, aiding in elimination while maintaining appropriate potassium levels.

Although, it is generally a safe herb to consume, Dandelion is still a strong diuretic and those with low blood pressure or already excessive urination should avoid using it. Moreover, it is best to avoid if you have active gallstones.

As we try to spend less time out in public shopping, perhaps you might want to see what is growing in your yard to help supplement your grocery list. The plants are there to nourish your body, chock full of protein, vitamins and minerals, give it a whirl.

Please keep in mind, when foraging it is important to properly identify any plant before eating or tasting. Peterson and Audubon have excellent field guide series. Always remember: Make sure the area hasn’t been sprayed with any chemicals, close to the road or visited by the family dog.

What do you like to forage? Please share and I will continue to share.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I think it’s time for some Fire Cider!

At this point, I have never worked with COVID-19, though I have dealt with flus and colds. I know the COVID-19 is different from the common flu, but both present uncomfortable symptoms and the body needs additional support during these times. As we are all preparing for a time of social distancing, our health care system will become overwhelmed and taxed, along with disruption to our food and medicine supply chains. So, I want to share some supportive remedies that you can find in your kitchen cupboard or growing in your backyard to provide some relief. These tips are not to replace medical attention: if you are in respiratory distress ~ seek medical immediately attention, go the ER!

I just want to give you some tools that can be found in your home to empower you, so you don’t have to venture too far away from home during this period of social isolation. I will be sharing our family’s remedies that help ease discomforts experienced during flu and cold season.

So, what is Fire Cider? Well, it’s a hot and spicy tonic that helps boost your immune system, stimulates digestion, and warms you on cold winter days. Like most folk recipes, it changes with the availability of ingredients and at the maker’s whims. Nevertheless, it is basically apple cider vinegar infused with powerful immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, decongestant, and spicy circulatory movers, along with potent antioxidants and warming spices to support digestion. It is an ideal tonic to help prevent cold and flu symptoms and can shorten the duration if you do get a bug.

Fire Cider is very versatile; many people take 1-2 tablespoons daily throughout the flu and cold season as a preventative measure, or every three to four hours if symptoms arise. It’s great to use in a salad dressing or add to a smoothie or stir-fry and other dishes. Options are only limited by one’s imagination and palate.

When making Fire Cider, I love using local organic ingredients. But during times of limited resources, do your best to use local and organic ingredients but don’t sweat it. It’s better to have Fire Cider, than not. This is my recipe. But, like chicken soup, we all put our own spin on it, adapt it as you like, add or delete what makes sense to you. I am just giving you the basic template. If you are interested in more versions of Fire Cider, Rosemary Gladstar rounded up a bunch of herbalist and put together a book with over 100 Fire Cider recipes,  “Fire Cider!: 101 Zesty Recipes for Health-Boosting Remedies Made with Apple Cider Vinegar.”

I love the colors of the Fire Cider Horizons

Fire Cider (1 gallon)

Put each ingredient into a food processor to shred them first before measuring

1 cup packed peeled organic ginger root

1 cup packed peeled organic horseradish root

1 cup packed peeled organic turmeric

1 cup packed organic onion with its juice

7 organic cloves = ½ cup

3 chopped organic jalapeno peppers

2 organic lemons (peels and all)

Organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

1 cup raw honey (to taste)

Fill a clean jar with all the solid ingredients and then cover with organic apple cider vinegar. Do not use a metal lid with any vinegar. It will corrode the metal. Use a plastic lid or cork. If you need to use a metal lid, line it with plastic wrap or wax paper before screwing it on.

Store the jar out of the sun for at least 4-8 weeks, shaking it daily, giving it lots of love and intention. If you want it sooner, you can start stealing some after 1 week, but letting it sit longer is better.

Filter through a cheesecloth lined stainless steel strainer. Save the marc (plant material left over after you have filtered/pressed all the liquid out) for making chutney or adding to dishes.

After it is filtered, add 1 cup raw honey (to taste). I like to use Buckwheat honey because it balances the spices nicely.

Gently warm honey so it will mix easily with Fire Cider, add to taste. You want a hot, spicy and sweet tonic. Make sure not to heat honey over 110° F, as it will kill the wonderful enzymes and bacteria that are so rich in healing properties.

Fire Cider will keep for several months unrefrigerated, if stored in a cool pantry.  But it’s better to store in the refrigerator.

Remember to get lots of rest, don’t panic ~ relax, eat whole foods, lots of veggies, limit your sugar, alcohol, processed foods, crowds and wash your hands.

Be well!

What do you do to boost your immune system? Please share and I will continue to share.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.