Sunday is Waffles

Do you have a Sunday breakfast tradition? When I was growing up it was nova and bagels. Now it is waffles. Our waffles are not typical waffles, they are packed with nutritious ingredients and flavor. Since Mathew may only eat one big meal a day and waffles are currently his favorite breakfast food, I add everything into the batter I can think of in an attempt to load him with as much nutrition as possible. Sometimes I forget this when we have guests. Most people’s idea of waffles and what we serve tend to be very different; all the ingredients make them denser, less fluffy while being packed with flavor. Some people enjoy the new flavors and others…well they are very polite and do not comment.

After a recent visit, one of our friends asked for the recipe, so I decided to share it with everyone. I hope you enjoy them as much as Mathew does.

 wafflesDebbie’s Gingerbread Waffles

makes 6-7 Belgian waffles


1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup spelt

3 tbsp buckwheat

1 ½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp. ground ginger

½ tsp. ground cinnamon

dash of ground cloves


2 cups whole milk

½ cup yogurt

3 tbsp. blackstrap molasses

1 tbsp. melted butter

2 tsp. vanilla extract

1 egg, slightly beaten

Mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately. Then combine and stir until smooth. Add to waffle maker.

When ready serve with a smear of butter and maple syrup.







Our spring visitors

Just about every spring, little and big black ants start coming into our kitchen. It really does not matter where we live they seem find us and announce spring in our home, like ladybugs announce fall in our home. I guess we create a warm inviting home for 6-legged critters. Unlike ladybugs, I do not care to entertain ants.

So every spring I find a couple of little jars, poke several holes in their lids and add a simple bait which seems to work like magic and in less than a week the ants have vanished.

ant trap and boraxAnts Begone Recipe

small jar with holes in lid

1 tsp. Borax

1 tsp. powered sugar

warm water

Mix ingredients so everything is fully dissolved into the water. Fill each jar half way, put on lid with several holes and place jars throughout kitchen. Make sure they are out of reach from children and pets. You can find borax in the laundry section of most grocery stores, 20 Mule Team is a fairly common brand. Borax is an excellent detergent booster and after I use some borax in my ant traps, I use the rest in our laundry. Adding just ¼ cup brightens up the load and helps get stains out.