Add a little sunshine to your life


Over the last few years, my passion and appreciation for Calendula (Calendula officinalis) has grown by leaps and bounds. I keep finding new uses for it all the time, especially as summer approaches. I love how it simply bursts with color throughout our gardens. A bunch of years ago, I started to harvest the funky looking seeds, which are abundant, and decided to sprinkle them everywhere, as well as gift them to friends and loved ones. I love to spread the sunshine. They are easy to grow and absolutely beautiful.

Calendula seeds

Calendula seeds

Besides being a striking addition to anyone’s garden, Calendula is a powerful wound healer.  It promotes cell, repair while its antiseptic properties keep infections from occurring to the injury. It helps heal wounds faster by increasing oxygen flow to the damaged area, which in turn helps the body grow new tissue. It also stimulates collagen production to help heal the body’s tissues. It has high amounts of flavonoids, plant-based anti-oxidants, which protect cells from being damaged by free radicals. It is simply awesome!

I’m sure you have noticed that Calendula is a popular ingredient in skin care products. It is so versatile as it decreases the inflammation of sprains, stings, varicose veins and other swellings while soothing and healing burns, sunburn, cuts, punctures, scrapes, rashes and just about all skin irritations. Laboratory studies show it also kills bacteria and fungus such as ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Over the past few years, I have found many uses for Calendula, besides brightening up my day.

  1. Infusions:
  • sore mouth and gum rinse
  • bug bites
  • eye infections or simply to soothe swollen/puffy eyes
  • rinse and heal cuts and scrapes
  • foot bath
  1. Infused Oil/Salve
  • chapped lips
  • dry hands and feet (or any other body part)
  • hot oil treatment for scalp
  1. Fresh
  • petals are a beautiful addition to salads

Besides adding the beautiful blossoms to salads, Calendula has many internal uses as well. It is a diuretic, immune booster, lymphatic tonic, anticancer/tumor, provides gastrointestinal relief, and reduces fevers.

What have you used Calendula for? Please share and I will continue to share.

Bees love them too

Bees love them too

All information is shared for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.