
I am so grateful that I woke up today, not everyone has that pleasure. On top of that, I see my son, husband and octogenarian parents are also alive and well. This is a very big deal and I know that I am incredibly fortunate; yes, I’ve been faced with loss, illness, and my share of bumps in the road. Nevertheless, I am still breathing, I have good wholesome food, potable water, shelter, a loving family and people that I can call my friends and always important – I have control over my bodily functions.  I will never take that for granted.

Today, my husband and I have the privilege of cooking for my parents, and their friends. Yes, even though they are well into their 80s, they still have a few friends who they share moments with. Amazing, these friends have been in their lives for close to 60 years. Oh, the tales they will tell today.

May you also wake up and have the opportunity to feel the blessing of a loving family, good food and friends (and control over your bodily functions).

 My Favorite Cranberry-orange Sauce Recipe

12 once package of fresh cranberries                                                                         1 cup cane sugar                                                                                                         1 cup orange juice                                                                                                       1  tbsp grated orange zest                                                                                           1/2 tsp grated lemon zest

1. Mix all ingredients in large saucepan.                                                                     2. Bring to boil and lower the heat to medium-low. Cook until cranberries begin to pop and the sauce thicken slightly, about 15 minutes.                                               3.Transfer sauce to bowl and chill until serving time.                                                 4.Enjoy!

 Happy Thanksgiving!