Craving those bitters

dandelionAs signs of Spring appear, I begin to crave bitter foods. Our bodies are brilliant, because as the earth awakens; our liver and kidneys begin to work harder as they cleanse our bodies of all the toxins built up during our winter idleness. Bitters aid in digestion. Therefore, it is the perfect time for us to assist our bodies by supporting and nourishing the liver and kidneys while they are working so hard for us. Dandelion and other bitter greens help them in this process. Eating bitters increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach, sending a message to the liver to prepare for digestion, as well as increasing the appetite and preparing the liver to break down fats. The more bitter the better for these functions.

Of course, as the weather starts to warm up, I spend more time outdoors looking for who is trying to break through and reach for the sun after their long winter’s nap. To my excitement, I found Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) sprouting up all over our lawn. Spring leaves are delicious with a hint of bitterness. Each sunny day, I survey the lawn, picking leaves and snacking on them. To an observer I must have looked like a rabbit nibbling on greens.

I know for some this may sound crazy, but Dandelions are very exciting to me! They are beautiful and delicious and most of all they announce SPRING is HERE! Some homeowners actually try to eliminate these amazing plants from their backyards with harmful chemicals. The EPA estimates that Americans dump over 90 million pounds of herbicides on their lawns every year to eradicate these lovelies along with other wonderful herbs. Now that is plain crazy in my book! Good thing Dandelions are persistent and tenacious, since they are nearly impossible to eliminate. All they need is a cool summer’s breeze for their seeds to float upon in order to arrive at another pristine lawn.

Not only are these beautiful blossoms a magical contrast against any lush green lawn, they are packed with a whole lot of goodness. To start off, just two fresh-picked leaves provide a day’s supply of vitamin C. Her deep root (which can reach three feet down) draws up tons of minerals. Dandelions are loaded with omega 3s, vitamins A, B, C, and D, potassium and iron and also rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus and magnesium. One leaf can contain 19-31% protein. Check out these numbers: The USDA daily-recommended allowance for calcium is 800 mg. When comparing calcium in other leafy greens ~ 1 cup of Spinach has 102 mg, 1 cup of Kale has 206 mg, and 1 cup of Dandelion has a whopping 4,000 mg. How’s that for a super food and its right out your backdoor! Dandelion roots are a wonderful liver tonic, and since our liver has over five hundred important functions including filtering chemical contamination from our system, I am sure you can agree that it is important to support and tonify it. Along with the liver, Dandelion root also tones your spleen, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, skin, nervous, glandular, digestive, urinary, circulatory, immune and lymphatic systems. What’s not to love!?

As you can see, Dandelions are both a wonderful food source along with being a powerful medicinal herb. And you know how much I love to eat my medicine. The blossoms, leaves, and roots are all edible and nutritious. I love adding the greens and blossoms to my salads and roots to my soups. The roots are sweeter than leaves and flowers are sweeter than roots. The roots tend to be more bitter and diuretic in the spring, and sweeter and starchier after an autumn frost. The roots are most bitter when it is flowering and sweetest after a couple of hard frosts in late autumn and early winter. Dandelion increases circulation and fluid waste elimination in the body, without depleting the body of important nutrients. It is one of the safest diuretics as it tones the kidneys, aiding in elimination while maintaining appropriate potassium levels.

Although, it is generally a safe herb to consume, Dandelion is still a strong diuretic and those with low blood pressure or already excessive urination should avoid using it. Moreover, it is best to avoid if you have active gallstones.

Always remember, when foraging to make sure the area hasn’t been sprayed with any chemicals or visited by the family dog.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Harvesting some nourishing Burdock

I love eating my medicine. One of my favorite plants to forage is Burdock (Arcticum Lappa) because it happens to be both delicious and beneficial to almost all the major organs of the body. Burdock is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as protein, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorous, tannins, and fiber.  Burdock’s action is most profound on the liver, making it one of the best blood purifiers in nature. It also works with lymph, sweat and oil glands, as well as on the lungs, kidneys, stomach, uterus, and joints. Take note that Burdock is not for people in hurry, it works slow and thoroughly as a cleanser and tonic.

Burdock has a high inulin content, and can comprise up to 50% of the plant’s total mass. Inulin is a prebiotic; it is not digested or absorbed in the stomach and goes to the bowels where bacteria are able to use it to grow. It supports the growth of healthy bacteria, improving digestion and absorption of nutriments. Inulin decreases the body’s ability to make certain kinds of fats and is a valuable substance for people with blood sugar issues as it may act as a buffer, preventing blood glucose levels from fluctuating erratically.

Let’s look at its many properties. Burdock is an alterative, which speaks to its ability to promote a gradual and beneficial change. It is anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, astringent, antiscorbutic (counter acts vitamin C deficiencies), bacteriostatic (stops bacteria from reproducing), carminative (relieves gas), demulcent (soothes irritations), diuretic, fungistatic (stops spread of fungal infections), nutritive tonic, and rejuvenative. Its ability to move waste can be noted by its antipyretic (cools fevers), diaphoretic (promotes sweating), febrifuge (reduces fevers) actions.

I think Jim McDonald captures Burdock’s essence beautifully.

“Running throughout the physical actions brought about by the use of Burdock are the themes of normalization and the restoration of balance. Burdock does not force its virtues upon us; it simply aids us in recovering our own when we lose touch with our well-being and fall into imbalance. It understands the importance of slow and subtle resolve and the benefits of gentle but consistent action. In the wild, Burdock grows on disturbed and injured soil, drawing nutrients from deep within the ground to replenish and heal the disturbed earth. It performs this same healing for us, drawing our own medicines from deep within our being to restore the conditions necessary for healing to occur. By recognizing such themes, we can better understand the use of an herb, and when it is indicated as a remedy for ourselves or another.”

Burdock is one of those special kinds of plants that offer both nutrition and healing benefits. Though western cuisine has largely ignored this wonderful herb, the Japanese truly appreciate Burdock as a wholesome, medicinal food – they even produce it commercially and sell it at market under the name of ‘Gobo’. The key to its popularity among the Japanese may lie in the well-kept secret of Burdock’s lesser known qualities: It is rumored that Burdock gives strength and endurance, especially with regard to sexual stamina. This has earned it a reputation as an aphrodisiac. However, it is important to note that the fresh herb/root is infinitely more powerful than the dried material. Fortunately, finding wild burdock, or even cultivating it yourself, is very easy.

I use Burdock roots and stems mainly in soups. Because of the high inulin content, it is important to cook it well. Be forewarned: inulin can cause excessive gas if not  cooked thoroughly.

First year Burdock growth

Harvesting Burdock                                                                                                 When you decide to make use of the roots, leaves, stems, and seeds of the Burdock plant, it is important that you harvest them during its peak. Roots, when all the vital energy is most concentrated within and being sent down into the roots ~ before the plant’s stems and flowers have developed. Collect the aerial parts while the vital energy is rising, but before flowers develop. Finally, the seeds after the plant have finished its growing process and starting to go back to the earth.

Burdock is a biennial plant, meaning it takes two years to complete its life cycle. It can grow more than 5 feet tall and its huge, expansive, heart-shaped leaves can reach over a foot in length. Burdock certainly ranks among the tallest and most space consuming herbs, sporting extraordinarily big leaves as well as the stickiest burrs.

First year plants have a rosette of large dusky green, heart-shaped leaves with a gray fine wooly mass down underneath. First year Burdock resembles and is often mistaken for rhubarb, so get out your field guide and make sure you identify it properly. It has a long tapering root with a white inner pith. In its second year, the plant grows to a large size, measuring from 3 to 7 feet in height. The stem is round, fleshy, and with many branches. The lower branches frequently measure 18 inches in length. The flowers are purple, in small-clustered heads armed with hooked spines, and the spiny burrs formed attach themselves to clothing and the hair of animals. The lower leaves are very large, on long, solid footstalks. They are furrowed above and frequently more than a foot long. The upper leaves are much smaller, more egg-shaped in form and not so densely clothed beneath with the grey down.

Burdock root

Harvesting Roots                                                                                           

You want to harvest first year roots in the fall or the following spring before stems start to develop. A 4-tine spading fork is your best friend for removing the plant roots from the soil. Susun Weed suggests that it is best to start on the east side of the plant, and then move around the plant, working the spading fork at each of the four directions. Plunge the spading fork in and rock it back and forth, continue until you have loosened the soil all around the root and then use a small spade to remove the loosen soil.  As a rule, the roots are 12 inches or more in length and about 1 inch thick, sometimes, however, they extend 2 to 3 feet, making it necessary to dig by hand. Some suggest peeling the root, but I find simply scrubbing the soil off the root until I get to the root white, works just fine. They are delicious in soups and stews.

Harvesting Stems   

Like the roots, you want to harvest the stems when they are most concentrated with the plant’s vital energy: before the flower develops. The outside of the stems have a bitter taste, so peel the green outside until you get to the white center. I soak the inner white stems in a cold-water bath and change the water several times to remove any bitter residue, so what is left is a sweet inner stem. Take a nibble to test to see if all the bitterness has been removed.The stems can be chopped up and added raw to salads, or cooked in soups and stews.

                                            Debbie’s Nourishing Root Soup

 (portions are up to you and how much you want to make)

  • Dig up equal amounts of Burdock and Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) (keep Dandelion leaves but compost Burdock’s) you can also use Burdock stems instead of the root.(It is important to harvest equal amounts of dandelion and burdock. Eaten alone Burdock encourages the body to cleanse the body’s toxins through the skin, but when combined with Dandelion, toxins are released through urine. I think it is a much better way to eliminate toxins. Since, if you have too many toxins being released through your skin, it may result in pustules ~ yuck. Please never forget to add Dandelions when eating Burdock.)
  • Harvest Stinging Nettles (Uritica dioica)
  • Sauté chopped Onions in Olive Oil. When Onions are translucent add lots of chopped Garlic (at least 5 cloves) and wait a couple minutes
  • Add peeled and chopped Ginger root, wait a couple minutes
  • Add chopped Shitake mushrooms, wait a couple minutes
  • Add  1 – 2 tsp Turmeric powder (use fresh if you can find it)
  • After a couple of minutes add broth (veggie or chicken) or water (4 – 6 cups)
  • Add chopped roots: Burdock, Dandelion, Beets (keep tops for later), Carrots, Sweet Potato, Potato, Turnip, or whatever floats your boat (I like to add sweet veggies to balance the bitterness of the Dandelion)
  • Simmer for at least 45 mins.
  • Add chopped Stinging NettlesDandelions & Beet greens
  • Simmer for 15 mins.
  • Put in blender or not (I blend it so Mathew eats it without picking out veggies but it tastes great either way)
  • Add 1 tsp. of miso to bowl
  • Pour soup over miso
  • Add hot pepper to taste


All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.