
all you need to mop a floorAs I have professed before, I do not like to spend my time and money on cleaning and the supplies that go along with it.  The easiest task for me to avoid is mopping. I always seem to have an excuse, “it may rain or snow in a day or two, or it’s muddy out. I don’t have time to let it dry – why bother.” However, springtime brings guests to our home and prompts me to clean areas that I have ignored over the winter, such as the floors and cobweb removal.

The funny thing is that once I start, like most things in life, it takes very little time and energy to accomplish and I love the way the floors look once they’ve been mopped.

I have a very simple recipe for non-wood floors:

2 cups white vinegar

2 gallons hot water

2 tbsp. Dr. Bronner’s Magic Pure Castile liquid soap

Mix and mop – simple.

Dr. Bronner’s offers a variety essential oils infused liquid soaps to choose from, I prefer peppermint liquid soap.  For wood floors, I have yet to find a better product than Murphy’s oil soap. Now that the floors are done, I guess I need to tackle the cobwebs. Boy, those spiders have been very busy this winter.