Another tool for your toolbox

Through the years, we all develop our favorite “go to” remedies. They sit on our top shelf (literally or figuratively); soothing and providing relief for what ails us. Then, as we explore and experiment, sometimes they are replaced with a new “go to” and move to our handy toolbox of remedies.  The neti pot is one of those remedies that I recently pulled out of my toolbox.

Years ago, before I learned about the magical powers of Goldenrod (Solidago, spp.), I  would get a postnasal drip each Fall from seasonal allergies that would develop into sinus infections and splitting headaches. I was miserable. My life changed when I was introduced to the neti pot. A neti pot is a small pot made from ceramic or a lightweight plastic. It holds a warm saline solution that you pour into and flows in and out of the nostrils. The pot has a handle on the side with a small, narrow spout on the opposite side that you put into the nostril. It looks like a genie’s lamp. Neti pots are used primarily for nasal cleansing, rinsing or nasal irrigation. They also help remove pollen, pollutants, allergens, relieve dryness, and it basically cleans out the snot.

Over the years, the neti pot was there when I needed it and was the only thing I used or needed for my allergies during my pregnancy and while my son was nursing. After, I discovered Goldenrod for my allergies, I needed the neti pot less and less, and so it went into my toolbox. However, this winter I had brutal headaches across my eyes, from ear to ear, no mucus or runny nose; it just felt like my head was in a vise grip. It was almost impossible for me to concentrate or execute tasks competently.   I did feel a little pressure in my ears so I decided to give the neti pot a try. And folks, what a brilliant idea it was! Always go with your instincts. The relief was almost instantaneous, thank goodness.

If you have pressure around your sinuses or face, sinus headaches, a crushing headache over your eyes, allergies, postnasal drip, or just feel like you are coming down with a cold, I encourage you to try a neti pot. You can purchase one at most drug stores, supermarkets, co-ops or health food stores. Some come with a saline solution kit, but simple kosher salt and water works great. Some people suggest sea salt, but I found that sea salt crystals do not dissolve easily and you must be diligent to ensure that all the crystals dissolve, if not, the process could become uncomfortable and irritate your nasal cavities. Kosher salt dissolves more easily than sea salt in warm water.

How to use the Neti Pot:

Step 1                                                                                                                                     Mix ¼ tsp. of non-iodized or kosher salt with a cup of warm water in the neti pot until all the salt crystals have dissolved.  It is important that your water is safe from all pathogens. If you are unsure, boil it and let it cool until it is warm.

Step 2                                                                                                                                   Tilt your head over the sink, keeping the nostril you are treating pointing towards the upper corner of the wall across from you, tuck your chin in a little.

Step 3                                                                                                                              Gently, insert the neti pot spout into your nostril, and allow the solution to gently flow into the nostril. The solution should flow through the first nostril and exit through the second nostril. If the solution goes down your throat, stop and tilt your head a little (chin in, nostril towards the top portion of the opposite wall), slowly adjust your head until all of the solution has flowed out your second nostril. If your nostrils are very clogged, be patient, the solution will eventually trickle through and then eventually flow.

Step 4                                                                                                                                Once you have emptied the neti pot, bend over the sink and blow three times to clear excess water and mucus from nostrils. Wipe with tissue.

Step 5                                                                                                                              Repeat step 1 – 4 on other nostril

Step 6                                                                                                                              When both nostrils are done, bend over as if you are touching your toes and hang your head down for a minute or so to encourage all the liquid to flow out your nostrils, blow gently into a tissue.

If you are adventurous, mix a light tea of Goldenrod and strain it through a coffee filter ~ you do not want any plant material in your sinuses. Then mix with a ¼ tsp. of salt and flush your sinuses. The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties really tighten up the tissues and reduce all the drippiness.  For postnasal drip with a cough, make a strong tea of Plantain (Plantago, spp.) and strain it through a coffee filter, add it to a neti pot with a ¼ tsp. of salt to heal irritated tissues. It is less astringent and more soothing than Goldenrod when used in this manner.

May you find relief.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Golden Dressing

I am without a doubt in love with my Goldenrod (Solidago, spp.) journey, and love simply being in her presence. It’s hard for me not to smile and feel blessed when I am near her. Yep, I love Goldenrod.

Here in the northeast our Goldenrod blooming season is rather long since there are between 130-160 different species each of which have different start times for bloom. They tend to start in early August and go on until early October. Alas, all good things must come to an end and now her bold golden glow is starting to fade. Everyday I visit and collect a little bit more and, of course, leaving most of the blossoms for the pollinators who, like me, can’t seem to get enough of her. Plus, they need it for their long winter.

I have been collecting blossoms and leaves to infuse into organic apple cider vinegar, which will be used for our salad dressing. Years ago, Mike took a spin at the salad recipe I adapted from my sister-in-law. You could say this recipe is third generation or 3.0. And with goldenrod apple cider vinegar, it is frankly pretty awesome. According to Susun Weed, Goldenrod vinegar will “improve mineral balance, help prevent kidney stones, eliminate flatulence, and improve immune functioning.” It’s delicious and medicinal, just like I love my foods.

When harvesting Goldenrod later in the season, it is important to pay closer attention to underside of the leaves. There tends to be more rust (orange spots), powdery mildew, and bacterial leaf spot (black spots) as the season comes to the close. Plus, you don’t want flowers that are on the way out. So make sure the blossoms are still vibrant. This is an ideal time to pause with Goldenrod, breathe, caress her blossoms and leaves as you selectively cut some for your apple cider vinegar. Once you have enough, remove all the blossoms and leaves from the stems, take your time, relax so all the critters have time to leave. It always amazes me how many crab spiders scurry away during these times.

The next step is to cut everything up, exposing as much of the plant’s cell walls to the apple cider vinegar. Once you are satisfied, fill a clean, dry mason jar ¾ of the way with the Goldenrod and then add the apple cider vinegar. Cover with a plastic lid since metal will react with the vinegar, and you don’t want that. Label the jar ~ ingredients and date. Shake well, put your intentions into it and store it at room temperature out of the sun. Visit daily, shake and infuse with your love for 6 weeks. Strain and then re-bottle.

Mike’s Kickass Dressing

(Makes a pint)

1/3 cup Goldenrod organic apple cider vinegar

2/3 cup Organic olive oil

2 or more Garlic cloves ~ peeled and minced

1 inch Ginger ~ peeled and minced

2 tbsp mustard

Organic cane sugar to taste

Add all the ingredients to a wide mouth pint-canning jar. Blend with a hand blender.


How do you use your Goldenrod apple cider vinegar? Please share and I will continue to share.