Cleaning out the pipes

For some reason around this time of the year, all the drains in our house are clogged or are at least sluggish. Perhaps, it is because we live in a house that was constructed in 1859, who knows. The pipes have certainly been updated since then, but nonetheless they get sluggish in the early summer. Therefore, part of our summer ritual is to flush the gunk out of all our pipes.  Some people air out their homes and clean their windows as summer arrives, we clean out our pipes.

unclogging drainHere’s my simple recipe for getting the gunk out. Its fun to watch, too. 

  1. Put a cup of baking soda down the drain
  2. Add a cup of vinegar
  3. Give it 5 minutes and then pour boiling water down the drain. I found boiling water works better then simply using hot water from the sink.

This process unclogs and deodorizes the pipes.  The combination of baking soda and vinegar breaks down fatty acids from soap and glycerin, allowing the clog to easily wash down the drain.

What are some of your spring rituals? Please share and I will continue to share.


Hey, it’s simply a lifestyle choice

mega clotheslineI really love utilizing renewable resources. So when I woke up yesterday to a cloudless sky with hopes of temperatures rising into the 50s, I decided to start using the mega clothes line Mike built for me. Although hanging laundry takes planning and weather watching in the Northeast, I love it. It is so gratifying. I am utilizing the sun, not using fossil fuels and bonus – the clothes smell so fresh. It simply makes sense to me.

I have to admit that I have not always felt this way. My father loves to tell this very embarrassing story about me, when I was around 8 years old. But before I disclose this not so flattering story, you must have some background. It was the early 1970s, and although there was a fossil fuel crisis and people could only get gasoline for their cars on odd or even days, and the lines were very long, it was just the beginning of conservation discussions. It seemed like only the fringe people talked about it. I was raised in a very fortunate home, where we enjoyed all the new modern conveniences. My dad loved bringing home the new and best innovations.

Since I knew we were privileged, I thought people who didn’t have these modern conveniences were not as fortunate. I did not understand that it might be a personal choice. At 8 years old, I could not understand why anyone would choose not to use these new fabulous modern conveniences if they had the opportunity.

Every Labor Day weekend my Dad and I would collect money for “Jerry’s Kids,” who suffered from muscular dystrophy. This particular day, my Dad took me to his friend’s house, Myron Cohen who was a comedian from the 50s and 60s. Mr. Cohen generously donated to the cause. On the way back to the car, I noticed that he had clothes hanging in the backyard. (Now here is the embarrassing part that my Dad loves to tell).  I asked my Dad why he was so cheap and didn’t buy a dryer. My Dad used this teachable moment and explained that it was a lifestyle choice and not because he was cheap.

Fast-forward forty years and guess who is making the same lifestyle choice as Myron Cohen – ME. Boy time and experience does wonders for a person.  Although, throwing a load in the dryer is very convenient. I will watch the weather forecast; get up a couple of minutes early and throw a load into the washing machine. While Mathew is eating breakfast, I will hang the laundry out on our fabulous mega-line, enjoy the sounds of the morning and get some fresh air while I start the day. By the time Mathew gets home, it will be dry and he will help me fold the laundry.  This lifestyle agrees with me. Yesterday was so glorious I did two loads.

What types of lifestyle choices do you make? Please share and I will continue to share.