Connecting with your heart

I have always felt a deep release, perhaps better articulated as comfort and peacefulness, from listening to melodic sounds whether in the form of the wind moving through the leaves, Tibetan Monks chanting “Om Mani Pädme Hum” or Ladysmith Black Mambazo singing “Shosholoza.” The calmness is profound; it brings me into my heart space.  Sure, I love listening to music and enjoy singing along but there is something beyond the mere understanding of words that pulls at my inner being. The absence of literal translations creates the strength of how it resonates inside my inner core being. I like how Kalu Rinpoche explains it, “Through mantra, we no longer cling to the reality of the speech and sound encountered in life, but experience it as essentially empty. Then confusion of the speech aspect of our being is transformed into enlightened awareness.”

The chant “Om Mani Pädme Hum” is a perfect example. In fact, the International Journal of Science and Research published “Frequencies of the Buddhist Meditative Chant” in April 2016 delving deeper into its affects on individuals. “The six syllable mantra generates vibrations that somehow interacts at a cellular level; where every fibre of the body feels connected as they vibrate in synchrony; resonating at the same wavelengths. The syllables when repeatedly chanted can make one hear it more than music, as the mind aligns to its vibrations and frequencies.”

In my early twenties, searching for new experiences, I asked my brother, Michael, for a chant CD, and he gifted me “Tibetan Incantations – Om Mani Pädme.” I fell instantly in love with it and it became a high rotation CD; my “go to” when I needed focus and balance. I even played it at work, although it was a bit too much for some of my co-workers. I played it during labor as well as when Mathew was a toddler and needed to settle down. At one point, he also had had enough and would scream, “No more Om Mani Pädme Hum!”

Now, it has become the musical wallpaper for when I process herbs. Ever so often, I put on some Lady Smith Mambazo, which brings me to the same place of peace and presence ~ my heart space, which is important when processing herbs and what I want to infuse into my products.

What brings you into your heart space? Please share and I will continue to share.


Gathering herbs with Mathew has always been a wonderful activity for us to share. Sometimes he helps me process them to infuse into oil and tinctures as well. I love his ability to be extremely focused and present during these times. It brings another healing dynamic into the mix. However, when I make salves and creams, I need to be alone in order to focus all my love and intentions into those little jars before they go out into the world.

Processing herbs is a very personal practice. It is not simply a chore or task; it is the time when I am focusing my entire being in the present. I’m filled with gratitude for the plants and their healing powers and the next step for me is to add my loving intentions into my remedies.

For the most part, I like the entire house to myself. It is easier for me to be present with the process, free as possible from distraction. My ritual helps me to center and become balanced so I can focus all my intentions into the healing creams and salves. The ingredients to my ritual are simple but very meditative. I hug our grandmother Black Walnut tree absorbing all the earth’s healing powers through it. Then I smudge the house, eliminating any negative energy, and ring the singing bowel, producing tones that invoke a deep state of relaxation. Finally, I love playing Tibetan Monks chanting Om Mani Padme Hum throughout the process.

One day, Mike was home playing AC/DC, and don’t get me wrong I do love to rock out to “Highway to Hell” but it would have no doubt added a different energy into the process, not what I wanted. Setting an intention is not a goal but an attitude or state of mind. When I make healing salve or creams, it is very important for me to infuse them with all the love I have in my being. That is why there is always a included in the ingredients on all my labels.

Do you have any rituals that help you set intentions? Please share and I will continue to share.