A teaspoon of honey will make the cough go away

Recently, after we all went to bed, I heard Mathew coughing and asked him if he would like some honey. He earnestly replied, “PLEASE!” Within moments of taking a half of a teaspoon, the coughing had subsided and he fell asleep. The rest of the night was peaceful. I love when that happens. Raw honey (be sure it’s raw as commercial honey growers often supplement the bees with sugar water, which dilutes the medicinal qualities of the honey) is one of my favorite remedies for coughs and it is so simple. A close second is Garlic oil on the bottom of the feet.

For over a thousand years, people having using honey as a sweetener and remedy. Nevertheless, after a study in 2012, it has become even more popular, if you can believe that.  Researchers found honey to be as effective as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cold medications. The “recent discovery” of raw honey made national news because the FDA was moving to ban many children’s cold medications due to their ineffectiveness coupled with dangerous side effects. Of course, the magic of honey is not “new” news but it is important to spread the word nonetheless.

Although the 2012 study was not clear exactly how honey eases a cough, it found it helpful regardless. Perhaps when you combine honey’s soothing sweetness, which coats the throat with its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant qualities, you can find part of the answer.

Although the 2012 study focused on children, it also works well for adults and seniors. This summer my Dad was having a rough time. He has congestive heart failure and prone to fluid retention around his lungs. As a result, he had coughing fits. Although his doctors tried to provide him with many tools/medicines, he found no relief. That is until he tried raw honey. The results were miraculous. He had his first good night sleep after just one teaspoon. His cardiologist was so impressed that he wrote the remedy down, so he was sure not to forget.

So if you need a restful sleep from that irritating cough, be sure to keep your honey near by.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Golden Honey


november bee

I couldn’t believe my eyes, while walking the land the other day, ~ I spotted some Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) blossoms! It was quite remarkable considering it was early November. The pollinators were happy too. It was a rather brisk day and the little guys were hanging out on the blossoms, though a little sluggish; actually they were barely moving. I decided to take just a couple blossoms to infuse into honey, since I wanted to leave most of them for the pollinators, as they needed to load up for the long winter ahead.

Goldenrod and raw honey are a winning combination. Goldenrod has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties, while raw honey contain propolis, a compound that can kill bacteria. Combined they make a very soothing remedy for scratchy and sore throats. Goldenrod infused honey is also useful for reducing congestion and postnasal drip from a bad cold.

Goldenrod honey is very easy to make and as we approach cold and flu season it is a wonderful addition to anyone’s apothecary.

How to make Goldenrod Honey:

  1. Collect fresh Goldenrod blossoms (when collecting any herb, make sure the area hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals and is not growing along roadways)
  2. Separate the florets
  3. Fill clean/dry jar ¼ – ½ with blossoms.
  4. Fill jar with raw honey (I prefer a light honey like apple blossom or wildflower).
  5. Fill sauce pan with about 2 inches of water.
  6. Put jar of herbal honey in pot of water (double-boiler method).
  7. Simmer water, temperature should never get higher than 110° as it will kill the medicinal qualities of the raw honey.
  8. Stir honey with a chopstick to disperse blossoms in honey.

warm goldenrod and honeySome people strain the blossoms out before eating but I leave them in and take pleasure in the herbs along with the honey.

golden honeyTake a spoonful for a sore throat or add to tea. YUM!

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.