Saving some for the pollinators

After a dry July followed by a wet August, there is an abundance of plants and pollinators on the land. Every time I go out to harvest some herbs for tinctures or oils, I am mesmerized by them. They look so happy and I struggle with the question, “Do I really need more?”  I’ve tried my best to live by the credo of taking only what I need and leaving the rest for others. Therefore, there are moments when I gather a little bit and other times when I simply walk away. There is a huge Burdock (Arctium lappa), over six feet tall, growing in front of a window at our house that attracts a menagerie of pollinators; even a hummingbird! I had no idea hummingbirds enjoyed Burdock. I love sitting in the house watching all the pollinators do their thing. There was never a doubt about leaving the Burdock, it was meant for the pollinators not my soup. The funny part is, as we get further into the summer, there seems to be more plants and pollinators every day. So my dilemma continues on a daily basis.

The other day I decided to wander the land and simply take pictures and leave the plants alone.  The time I needed to give pause and focus on these critters conducting their lives was such a gift. I love Forest Bathing and Waterfall Therapy, but observing life in action is the best therapy for reducing stress and relaxation. When I was done, I was so mellow, a completely new person.

Here are some of the critters I was able to capture. A great more eluded my shutter.

Blue Vervain







Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed




Check out those red pollen sacs!


What do you do to relax? Please share and I will continue to share.